Frostwind Star

An upcoming, unofficial digital-only zine that centers around the Genshin Impact characters, Kaeya and Lumine, as a pairing! The zine will be free and SFW!Status: Creation + Final Pitches


"Frostwind Star" is an unofficial zine focused on the Genshin Impact characters, Kaeya and Lumine, as a pairing. It will be free, digital only, and SFW! With some digital merch. It’s planned to contain artwork and fanfiction, as well as 3D picture renders (made with the official biligame models – usually done in MikuMikuDance) and short comics!The scale of the zine will depend on the amount of interest, but the minimum page count is planned to at least 20 pages of content (excluding credits/forwards/afterwards).-- Site background image is a CG from Kaeya's hangout event. --


Sep.22 - Oct.15: Interest CheckOct.17 - Nov.17: ApplicationsNov.24: App Results SentDec.8: Pitches DueDec.28: Check In #1Jan.28: Check In #2Feb.28 March 6: Check In #3Mar.17 April 7: Final SubmissionTBA - Finalization & Release


Answers to some questions you might have!What is a zine?A self-published booklet/magazine that is full of fan made works for a particular fandom, filled with artwork and writing. They’re typically printed in limited quantities and/or released as a digital PDF.Will this zine be physical or digital?It will be 100% digital, so all content will be put into a PDF to be downloaded for free ~What sort of content will the zine have?This zine will be SFW (meaning no explicit content) and is dedicated to the pairing of Genshin Impact characters, Kaeya and Lumine! So included works will be focused on the two of them together. The zine will feature page art, fanfiction, and (hopefully) comics and 3D art renders. And depending on the results of the interest check, a few solo artworks of each of them will be featured as well.Can other characters or background ships be present?Other Genshin Impact characters may be included, so long as the main focus remains on Kaeya and Lumine!Background ships will not be allowed.Do works have to be strictly romantic?Nope! Whilst showcasing the two romantically is the main theme of the zine, you can also merely imply they like each other, or show them in a platonic way, or keep it ambiguous (where it can be interpreted either way). All that matters is Kaeya and Lumine are together.Who are the mods of this project?The zine leader is SevenCandlesticks with co-coordinator Wendillon.How can I be apart? Do I need prior experience?If there is enough interest, contributor apps for writers and artists shall open! No prior zine experience is needed, and will not hinder your chances. All you need is to provide some SFW samples of your art/writing for consideration!My portfolio contains a lot of NSFW/questionable content, will I still be allowed to participate?Potential contributors will be judged ONLY on the SFW samples they provide. While we will not be linking to any portfolios that contain mostly NSFW works, having such content will not bar you from entry. So long as you follow the zine's guidelines and your contribution to the project is SFW, you're good go! ^^